Our Company

All Size Homes

Kimberly Van Parys

Kimberly Van Parys is the founder of All Size Homes. She has 10+ years of experience in real estate investing and sales. Her mission is to help sellers OUT of any real estate situation and help buyers IN to a home they thought was out of reach. #puttingfamiliesinhomes

"You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want." -Zig Ziglar

Andrew George - Managing Partner

Coming soon!

Kimberly Van Parys - Managing Partner

Coming soon!

Savannah Rojan - Tech Consultant

Coming soon!

Patrik Rojan - Project Manager

Coming soon!

Here at All Size Homes, we provide win-win solutions to help renters like you fulfill their dreams of homeownership. We strive to provide you with a solution to your situation so you can live your best life.

All Size Homes is a nationwide real estate solutions company based out of Washington. We are a family-owned business focused on helping people like you find a way to live the American Dream!